cleaning productsA variety of factors encountered in our daily lives can ultimately impact the health of our immune system. For example, microbes and parasites from improperly cooked meat can invade our organs or bloodstream. These microbes are tiny cells such as bacteria or fungi, and while many are essential for our survival, others can be very harmful. Harmful microbes secrete toxins as well as uptake glucose, which our cells require for survival. It is estimated that cancer cells consume glucose at a rate of anywhere from ten to fifty times that of a healthy cell. When the glucose doesn’t feed the cells as intended, the healthy cells become weakened, and, in turn, the organs they make up become impaired. As the organs lose strength, the immune system is similarly impacted.

Additionally, we have constant exposure to toxins in our daily environment. They are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we consume. These toxins may come from chemicals in household cleaning products, cosmetics, and even in our water supply. Our water supplies require chlorination to prevent diseases, and yet the very treatment we use increases our health risk. To add insult to injury, some communities have bought into the lie that adding fluoride to the municipal water supply will enhance oral health. This simply magnifies the risk of our immune system being overcome with toxins since both chlorine and fluoride are known carcinogens. Chlorination makes sense for the safety of our water supply, but adding fluoride increases cancer risk way beyond any possible benefit it might accrue. More enlightened nations and communities have banned fluoride in their water supplies.

The article above comes from Take Charge of Your Cancer: Know Your Cancer Treatment Options by Austin Leahy.

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